10 questions to reflect on for the year end

As the year draws to an end, it’s a natural moment in time to pause and reflect on where we’ve been in the last 12 months and where we hope to move towards in the next. Time is a funny thing and a year can feel like 10 or like it went by in a blink of an eye depending on your perspective. Certain periods may have felt long and dreadful, while other moments may have flown by. I have recently been struck by the moments that friends brought up but that I had totally forgotten about until they reminded me! To be honest, it might be an age thing but it was interesting to ponder about what other moments I might have also let slip by.

Whether this year felt long or short to you, here are 10 questions to reflect on as we wind down the last week of the year:

  1. Who is someone you got to know better this year?

  2. What surprised you the most about yourself this year?

  3. Looking back, what would you say was the main theme for you this year?

  4. What was the biggest unexpected moment for you?

  5. What is one thing you are ready to leave behind in 2023?

  6. What is something you want to bring with you moving forward into the new year?

  7. What is something you hope to make a regular part of your daily routine in the year ahead?

  8. Looking forward, what is something you want to be curious about for the new year?

  9. What is one thing you want to prioritise this year and how will you make it a priority?

  10. Who is someone you would like to get to know better this year?